Kim Hudson

The Bjorklund Family


I met the Bjorklund’s several years ago and Sarah quickly became my go-to for all things homeschooling related. She’s the most dedicated, hands-on, homeschooling mama I know and her kids are proof of that. Considering they lead busy lives, her husband, David, has the most calm and relaxed presence.  As for the kids, I have this philosophy that if you raise children you’d want to hang out with, then other people will too. That’s exactly how I felt with these guys. They were so smart and interesting to talk to! I can only hope my kids turn out as well.

I’ve noticed there’s often one person on each shoot that truly enjoys having their photo taken. In this case, that would be Anna. She’s full of personality and the camera loves her. She has that classic, all-American look and I’d be surprised if she’s not on stage or modeling for Ralph Lauren or Tommy Hilfiger in a few years! Then there’s Chris, the budding photographer. He brought his camera and shot photos alongside me. This was a first, for sure! His enthusiasm and inquisitiveness was infectious. Last but not least, there’s Parker. What a little ham he is! He may have some special needs, but boy does he have the greatest sense of humor! He was full of energy, quick wit and definitely kept me on my toes. Collectively, they were such a fun family to spend the afternoon with.


Old San Juan, Puerto Rico


At the tail end of our trip to Puerto Rico, we spent one night in Old San Juan. Although it’s known for being a touristy cruise ship port, San Juan’s charming mix of influences (Spanish, Cuban, Italian, and Caribbean) and colonial history easily make up for its short comings. I found it to be a lovely, little town with some of the most colorful buildings, quaint architectural details and perfect cobblestones I’ve ever seen. In a short amount of time, we managed to visit the El Morro fort, the Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis Cementerio, eat a delicious brunch, snack on a classic Mallorca (the must-try pastry), and peek in a few shops along the way. I could’ve easily spent another day wandering the quaint streets, popping into galleries, bakeries and cafes. I suppose we’ll just have to go back! 



The Gallery Inn 


St. Germain Bistro + Cafe, certainly not authentic to P.R. but fantastic food and beverage all the same!

Cafeteria Mallorca for an authentic bakery experience.


El Morro Fort

Cementerio Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis

Slice of Life


October 2012

Over two years have passed since I took these images. My backlog of photos has reached such epic proportions, I’m not even sure where to begin — but I wanted to post these before I share the latest pictures we shot this fall. It’s astonishing how much these children have changed in such a short amount of time!

In this shoot, my goal was to capture the kids’ budding (tween) personalities, at home, surrounded by their things. At the time, Gwenyth loved Justin Bieber, American Girl dolls and cheer. John was into his phone, sports and maybe not quite as interested in having his photo taken. They’re both really fun, sweet, beautiful kids and looking back, I love how different these are compared to other sessions I’ve had with them. It makes me want to take similar photos of my own kids! Sometimes it’s so hard to notice all the changes that happen right under your nose.


American Southwest: Horseshoe Bend


I was walking through the mall a few weeks ago and stumbled upon a kiosk of large scale photographic prints. The first image that caught my eye was one of Horseshoe Bend. It’s one of those places that seem completely iconic but also strangely under the radar. I’d only learned of it a year or so ago, and quickly noted I had to see it the next time I was in Arizona. Seeing that photo at the mall, reminded me to share the photos from our visit…

For those who don’t know, Horseshoe Bend is a small, looped section of the Colorado River just outside of Page, Arizona. I had planned to shoot Antelope Canyon the next day and thought I’d try to squeeze in a quick viewing as soon as we arrived. Unfortunately, we’d gotten on the road a little later than I’d hoped, so we quickly checked into the hotel, left my husband and baby behind to take a nap and the bigger kids and I rushed off to catch the bend before the sun set. I hadn’t really done my research and ended up taking the wrong road, so we were truly racing the sun to make it in time. If there’s one thing I know for certain, my children will always remember the crazy adventures I take them on, especially those involving chasing light!

Once I’d found my way and pulled off at the right mile post, I was a little surprised to see nothing at all. I’d expected to see the river from the road! Instead, there’s a large parking lot, loads of other tourists and a trail leading into the desert. I prodded my children up and down the easy path, watching the sun vanish a little more every second. The funny thing is, it looks like nothing at all — just an expanse of desert. But eventually the trail stops and you see loads of people standing on the edge of rock looking down at a massive drop. And there it is. This incredible horseshoe-shaped loop of river, green grasses, orange rock, and a teeny, tiny, little campsite set up on the island. It’s kind of scary, jaw dropping and exhilarating all at the same time.

Looking back, I was wholly unprepared in more ways than one. Besides needing better directions and not arriving so late, I should’ve brought a wider lens to get everything in. I wanted to pull back further to get rid of that rock at the bottom but simply couldn’t. I also should’ve had my husband come with me to help with the children. It can be quite windy and there are no safety measures in place. In order to take photos, I had to force the kids to sit about 20 feet back so I could stop worrying about them careening to their death. It’s a long way down! But other than that, it’s a spectacular sight and definitely worth visiting if you are in the area.

Horseshoe Bend is located near Page, AZ, off of US Highway 89 between milepost 544 and 545. Park in the lot off of the highway and follow the easy trail until it ends. Arrive well before the sun sets! It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk there and then of course you’ll want time to take photos. 

180360_HorseshoeBend_ColoradoRiver 180360_HorseshoeBend_Sunset 180360_HorseshoeBend_LookingOver 180360_HorseshoeBend_Rock 180360_DesertbyHorseshoeBend 180360_HorseshoeBend_AZ

The State of Things


As usual, I’m late to the party… so Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and Happy 8th Blogiversary to me! It’s always surprising when this site survives another year, especially with my irregular posting schedule. Blogging is in such a state of flux right now; some claim it’s dead but I’m betting it’s only a matter of evolution. I can’t speak for the entire blog world, but I can say I’m feeling quite positive about where I want this space to go.

When I look back at my humble blog beginnings, 180360 has truly embodied it’s full circle name; from losing friends to meeting life-long friends, starting and building a company, from writing embarrassing poetry to trying to form complete sentences and thoughtful ideas — it has been a great learning experience and creative outlet. I intend to keep riding the wave and have several exciting things in store for this site in 2015. Many thanks for sticking with me all these years. I truly appreciate your comments and support!

Along those lines… I know most people tend to knock making resolutions, but not me. I make them throughout the year and generally meet most of them. What can I say? I love making lists but I love crossing things OFF lists even more! Here are some of my goals for the year:

BUY INTENTIONALLY: The brand Cuyana has such a wonderful mission statement: “Fewer, better things.” This goes well with the current “Less is More” trend, complete with capsule wardrobes, artisan-made goods, and simplifying life in general. While I wholeheartedly agree, I can’t help but feel that many of the same websites promoting this minimalist ideal, consistently contradict themselves by marketing and plugging so many products. It takes some serious willpower to not buy everything they claim is “the. best. thing. ever.” They seem to know that I’m longing for that vintage MCM lamp so I can read one of my many unread books under a cosy Swedish throw, whilst lounging in the latest Ace + Jig duster with Aesop hand cream by my side….  It’s a slippery slope my friends. Please tell me I’m not the only one this happens to?!

Several years ago, blogger Joslyn Taylor wrote about her struggles with mindful consumption. She resolved to buy things that she’d have for at least 5 years and that idea has stuck with me ever since. Instead of focusing solely on editing my wardrobe, my goal in 2015 is to pare down ALL purchases, whether beauty-related, clothing, household, toys, vitamins, even food. I intend to ask myself, “Do I really need this?” “Am I buying on blogger-influenced impulse?” “Will this last me a long time?” and most importantly, “Do I truly love it?”

When I started focusing on what I really needed, one of the things that stood out to me was art. I’d like to begin a lifelong goal of supporting artists, in the same way that others support me as a photographer. For my birthday/Christmas gift, I commissioned a painting (see below) by the lovely and incredibly talented, Karina Bania. (Please look her up. She’s amazing.) Buying art, especially when it’s being made for you can be a little scary and intimidating, but Karina was fantastic at figuring out what I liked and ultimately coming up with the most perfect representation of her work in my mind. Not only is it something I will cherish for the rest of my life, I feel better knowing that my hard earned money went to an artist and towards something so personal and special. I’d like to aim to get that feeling from most everything I buy. 

RETURN TO YOGA: For many, many years, I practiced and preached yoga religiously. And then one day I just stopped. It was really weird. I had started running more and more, and before I knew it, that was all I wanted to do. After much reflection, I realized this was a huge mistake. While running has been a terrific stress reliever, endurance booster, and body shaper — I’ve noticed that it harnesses my energy in a way that isn’t entirely positive. It might sound funny, but I think I need yoga as the yin to my running yang. I’ve got to return to a calmer mind, peaceful heart and most importantly, I need to focus on my breath again which is truly the key to everything. Maybe taking a break wasn’t a mistake as much as an awakening that yoga is the most effective exercise to make my mind and soul feel healthy and balanced. Thus back to the mat, I go. 

FIND A BABYSITTER: This is one of the only resolutions that I’ve failed at repeatedly. Truth be told, my daughter turns 11 this week and I’ve never really had a baby-sitter (unless you count when my parents come to visit once a year or my husband’s secretary helping us out in an emergency.) I’m like the toddler that screams, “I can do it by myself!” Well, the fact is, I don’t want to do it by myself any longer. I dream of having a few hours where I can focus solely on work. I need a break from my kids, because, let’s face it, chasing a 17 month old around is utterly exhausting. But more than anything, my husband and I need to experience the elusive “date night.” The little amount of time we spend together alone has been nothing but unhealthy for our marriage. Well I am ready to make a change! Now if only I can get over these paranoid concerns of having someone else in my house and trusting that they will be a safe and good fit with the most important little beings in my life. Wish me luck… 


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