Belly Dancer

Mining Isolation


As a photographer, I’m always on the lookout for unusual settings and new backdrops. When I discovered the historic Ester Gold Camp and Malemute Saloon in Ester, Alaska were now sadly derelict, I felt like I had struck gold! Although I had grown up visiting this special place nearly every summer, I had never seen it for what it really is… a ghost town. Even better, I had the pleasure of working in this stunning setting with world-renowned belly dancer, Moria Chappell. Between the overgrown grasses, discarded relics, the Wanigans and other camp structures, a magical Saloon (which we were kindly let into), and working with gorgeous Moria, it was truly a dream shoot.

{Moria teaches workshops + classes all around the world and is also a performer with the Bellydance Superstars. Click HERE to view a video of her. I was so impressed!}
